姓 名:邢路 职 称:助理研究员
通讯地址:新疆乌市北京南路40-1 邮 箱:xinglu@ms.xjb.ac.cn
2017.09-2023.07 博士(材料加工工程) 西北工业大学
2015.09-2017.07 硕士(材料加工工程) 西北工业大学
2011.09-2015.07 学士(材料成型及控制工程) 兰州理工大学
2024.01- 至今 中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所 特别研究助理
2023.08- 2023.12 西北工业大学 科研助理
攻读博士学位期间,主要从事轻量化多相材料塑性成形中损伤断裂缺陷预测与控制研究,在多相材料变形损伤机理揭示、变形损伤本构建模、成形损伤演化调控方面取得了阶段性成果。研究成果在塑性领域顶刊International Journal of Plasticity(IJP)等国际著名期刊发表论文11篇,其中SCI收录8篇,授权发明专利1项。
1. Lu Xing,Pengfei Gao,Mei Zhan,Zhipeng Ren,Xiaoguang Fan. A micromechanics-based damage constitutive model considering microstructure for aluminum alloys[J]. International Journal of Plasticity. 2022,157: 103390.
2. Lu Xing,Mei Zhan,Pengfei Gao,Ming Li,Yunda Dong,Tianyu Wang. Effect of void nucleation on microstructure and stress state in aluminum alloy tailor-welded blank[J]. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2021,31: 77-85.
3. Lu Xing,Mei Zhan,Pengfei Gao,Ming Li,Yunda Dong,Wenwu He. The interactive effect of microstructure and stress state on the microscopic damage development of aluminum alloy tailor-welded blank[J]. Materials and Design. 2020,193: 108836.
4. Mei Zhan,Lu Xing,Pengfei Gao,Fei Ma. An analytical springback model for bending of welded tube considering the weld characteristics[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2019,150: 594-609.
5. Lu Xing,Mei Zhan,Pengfei Gao,Fei Ma. A method for establishing a continuous constitutive model of welded metals[J]. Materials Science & Engineering A. 2018,718: 228-240.
6. 詹梅,邢路,高鹏飞,马鹏宇,马飞. 轻量化拼焊板构件塑性成形研究进展[J]. 精密成形工程. 2019,11: 5.
7. 邢路,高鹏飞,詹梅. 基于原位拉伸实验的 2219 铝合金变形损伤断裂机理研究. 第十六届塑性工程年会, 2019.10.18-10.20,山西,太原.
8. 邢路,詹梅,王贤贤,雷新鹏. 非均质材料流动旋压不均匀变形研究. 第十五届塑性工程年会, 2017.10.13-10.16,山东,济南.
9. Pengfei Gao,Zhipeng Ren,Mei Zhan,Lu Xing. Tailoring of the microstructure and mechanical properties of the flow formed aluminum alloy sheet[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2022,928: 167139.
10. Pengfei Gao,Chao Yu,Mingwang Fu,Lu Xing,Mei Zhan,Jing Guo. Formability enhancement in hot spinning of titanium alloy thin-walled tube via prediction and control of ductile fracture[J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2022,35: 320–331.
11. Pengfei Gao,Ming Li,Mei Zhan,Lu Xing,Fei Ma,Mingwang Fu. Circumferential twist in flow forming of tubular parts: Characterization,understanding and control[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2021,65: 144–152.