First Circular
Second Circular
您现在的位置:首页 > 其它功能 > 专题 > 第六届可食植物资源及活性成分国际学术研讨会 > Second Circular
6th International Symposium on Edible & Medical Plant Resources and the Bioactive Ingredients(Second Circular)

  The International Symposium on Edible & Medical Plant Resources and the Bioactive Ingredients, which is supported and launched by Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, is held every two years. It is faced to scientists who study on edible & medical plant resources around the world. The 6th International Symposium on Edible & Medical Plant Resources and the Bioactive Ingredients (ISEPR 2018) will be held on October 14th to 17th 2018, in Nanjing, China. The goal of ISEPR 2018 is to provide an opportunity to exchange achievements about resources, cultivations, chemical constituents, bioactivities and medical applications of edible & medical plants. To discuss the hot points and the core problems in the relevant fields, and to foresee the prospect in basic researches and technologies. The latest developments of this field, domestic and abroad, are expected to promote scientific exchanges, cooperation and communications among the scientists around the world.

  ISEPR 2018 is hosted by Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Shenzhen Research Institute of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry. Many scholars around the world will be invited to give the special presentation on the topic of edible and medicinal plants. Pharmaceutical companies will also welcomed to give presentation about the topic.

  Theme for the symposium

    • The Health Industry Development on One Belt and One Road (“一带一路”大健康产业发展)

  Topic for the symposium

    •   Resource chemical research and value discovery on edible plants
    •   Identification and decoration of active ingredients in edible plants
    •   New methodologies of identification and molecular biology researches on the active ingredients from edible plants
    •   Functional material bases and active mechanism of edible plants
    •   Production, process, standardization and functional product development from edible plants
    •   Resource recycling utilization and greening of industry development of edible plants

  Basic Information of the symposium

    •   Date: 14th to 17th October, 2018
    •   Site: Nanjing Dongjiao National Guesthouse, Nanjing, People’s Republic of China (http://www.jsnjdongjiao.com/index.html)
    •   Languages: English, Chinese
    •   Chairman: AISA Haji Akber, (Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS), TSIM Karl Wah-Keung (Shenzhen Research Institute of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Duan Jin-ao (Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine)
    •   Academic Committee:

  Chairman: YAO Xinsheng, SUN Handong, HUANG Luqi, CAO Fuliang, WANG Guangji

  Member: AISA Haji Akber, Abdulloev Abdumanon (Tajikistan), BI Kaishun, CHE Chun-tao (U.S.A.), CHEN Shilin, CHEN Jijun, CHEN Daofeng, CHEN Suiqing, DUAN Jin-ao, DAI Haofu, FENG Feng, FENG Weishen, FENG Xu, HU Lihong, JIA Xiaoguang, KANG Tinguo, Karl Wah-Keung TSIM (Hongkong), LI Ping, LI Shaoping (Macau), PENG Chen, Shavkat Salikhov (Uzbekistan), Sergazy Adekenov (Kazakhstan), Shalpykov Kiyrkul (Kyrgyzstan), Shamansur Sagdullaev (Uzbekistan), Sharafitdin Mirzaakhmedov (Uzbekistan), SHI Liyun, TAN Renxiang, TU Pengfei, TANG Zhishu, TANG Yuping, WANG Zhentao, WEI Jianhe, WU Qi-nan, XUE Jianhui, XIN jianguo, XU Xi-ming, YE Wencai, YU Boyang, YANG Chenzi, CHANG Yuan Shiun (Taiwan), ZHAO Ruihuai, ZENG Jianguo, ZHONG Guoyue, ZHANG Yongqing.

    •   Host unit: Central Asian Drug Discovery and Development Centre of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of CAS, Shenzhen Research Institute of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center of Chinese Medicinal Resources Industrialization of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, 111 project (Chinese Pharmaceutical University,B16046), Institute of Botany, Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy of Science, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Jiangsu Food and Pharmaceutical Science College, CAS Key Laboratory of Chemistry of Plant Resources in Arid Regions

  The first round announcement is issued in July, 2018. The second round announcement will be issued in September 2018. The deadline of submitting the paper and registration is on September 15th, 2018.

  Form of the Symposium

    • Plenary lectures
    • Oral presentations and discussion
    • Poster sessions




  Each participant is asked to complete one copy of the Registration Form and send it to the Symposium Organizing Committee before September 15th, 2018.

    Registration fee includes Conference Proceedings and banquet. Expenses relating to transportation and accommodation should be covered by participants. Please register and make your travel arrangement at your early convenience.


  The accommodation is arranged at Nanjing Dongjiao National Guesthouse, please indicate the type you are prefer to when return the receipt. Hotel website:http://www.jsnjdongjiao.com/

  Hotel Location


  Deadline and Contact

  Both Registration Form and the paper (full text or abstract written according to the requirements of the symposium) should be submitted to the secretariat of the symposium’s academic committee before September 15th, 2018.

  For information about registration and paper (full text or abstract) submission, please contact the organizing committee:

    •   Contacts: Ms. JIANG Lan (XJTIPC), Mr. ZHU Yue (NJUCM), Mr. DUAN Ran (HKUST),

    Telephone: +86-991-368-0635, ++86-25-858-119-17

    •   Fax: +86-991-383-8957
    •   Email: jianglan@ms.xjb.ac.cn, zhuyue@njucm.edu.cn, duanran@ust.hk


  The Organizing Committee of ISEPR2018

  August 30th, 2018


附件下载>>>> Annex I.Registration Form.docx
附件下载>>>> Annex II.Abstract Submission and Deadline.docx
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