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2014 International Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanoengineering: Nanomaterials for Renewable Energy and Clean Environment (June 27-30, 2014, Urumqi, China)
2014-03-26 | 作者: | 【 】【打印】【关闭

General Scope:

  2014 International Symposium on Nanoscience and nanoengineering with focus on Nanomaterials for Renewable Energy and Clean Environment (ISNN-NRECE 2014) aims to bring together experts in material chemistry, physics, photochemistry and photocatalysis to share the recent advances in research frontiers of functional nanomaterials and nanostructures.

  Nanomaterials play dominant role in nanoscience and nanotechnology research. Through molecular engineering and chemical processing these materials can be fabricated in various morphologies (particle, rod, wire, etc.) and compositions (inorganic, organic, carbon or composite). Due to their tunable optoelectronic properties, nanomaterials have been found in broad range of applications in renewable energy and clean environment. Typical research related to renewable energy includes photovoltaics, photosplitting of water to produce hydrogen, photoconversion of carbon dioxide, and photoproduction of chemicals. Environment relevant research covers photodegradation of persistent organic pollutants, sensors for trace detection of chemicals, removal of environmental pollutants.


  Researchers are invited to submit Abstracts on the following specific objectives:

  ·  Inorganic nanoparticles and nanowires: including metals, silicon, metal oxides, chalcogenides, and other compounds.

  · Organic nanowires, fibers and nanocomposites: molecular design, synthesis and self-assembly into well-defined nanostructures, polymer nanostructures and composites.

  ·  Carbon based nanomaterials: carbon nanotubes, graphenes, carbon nanoparticles, etc.

  ·  Theoretical and experimental understanding of new optoelectronic properties: innovative nanomaterials and nanostructures, new electrical or optical properties at nanoscale, development of modeling and simulation methods.

  ·  Practical application of nanomaterials: engineering, reaction modeling, integrated systems, etc


  Please fill the registration form and e-mail the form to yuexiu@ms.xjb.ac.cn or cywang@ms.xjb.ac.cn before June 1, 2014.

  Registration fee is listed below.

 Registration fees

 Foreign representatives  US $250/person
 Domestic Chinese Participant  800 RMB/person
 Accompanying person  US $100/person
        Symposium registration fee includes welcome reception, meals, refreshment during session break, proceeding of abstract.

Payment methods:

  (1)    Bank transfer to Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry (XJIPC), Chinese Academy of Sciences. Please transfer the registration fee to the following bank:

  Bank Name: 新疆乌鲁木齐市建设银行科学城支行营业部  

       Bank No.: 1058 8100 0743

  Country: China

  Account Holder: 中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所  

       Account No.: 6500 1615 8000 5000 1554

  Purpose: ISNN-NRECE 2014

  (2)    Payment in cash at the registration counter.

Abstract Submission and Publication:

  ·  Please submit an electronic copy (in WORD or PDF format) of paper with key graphs (with a photo of author(s) is encouraged) to Dr. Xiu Yue at yuexiu@ms.xjb.ac.cn or Prof. Chuanyi Wang at "cywang@ms.xjb.ac.cn";

  ·  Selected papers will be recommended for publication in Research on Chemical Intermediates (Springer); New submission and peer review may be required;

  ·  The mandatory guidelines and template are showed in Annex II.

  ·  The deadline of Abstract Submission is June 1, 2014.


  ·  Symposium: June 27 - 30, 2014

  ·  06/27/2014: Arrival and Welcome Reception

  ·  06/28/2014: Opening Remark, Technical Sessions

  ·  06/29/2014: Technical Sessions, Symposium Banquete

  ·  06/30/2014: Half-day Technical Sessions, Adjourn, City Tour

Sponsor Organization:

  ·  National Science Foundation of China

  ·  Chinese Academy of Sciences (http://english.cas.cn/)

Prelimary Steering Committee:

  Prof. Jincai Zhao, Academician, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science, China

  Prof. Chuanyi Wang, Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, China

  Prof. Ling Zang, University of Utah, USA

  Prof. Detlef Bahnemann, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Germany

  Prof. Tetsuro Majima, Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (SANKEN), Osaka University

  Prof. Masakazu Anpo, Osaka Prefecture University

  Prof. Jinlong Zhang, East China University of Science and Technology

      Prof. Xianzhi Fu, Fuzhou University, China  

  Prof. Jinlong Yang, University of Science and Technology of China, China  

  Prof. Zhigang Zou, Nanjing University, China

       Prof. Jinhua Ye, National Institute for Material Science, Japan  

  Prof. Honggang Fu, Heilongjiang University, China  

  Prof. Yongfa Zhu, Tsinghua University, China  

  Prof. Qingbo Meng, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China  

  Prof. Xueqing Gong, East China University of Science and Technology, China  



  Dr. Xiu Yue

  Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry

  Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

  No. 40-1, South Beijing Road

  830011, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China

  Tel: 18709916082

  E-mail: yuexiu@ms.xjb.ac.cn 

  Prof. Chuanyi Wang

  Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry

  Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

  No. 40-1, South Beijing Road

  830011, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China

  Tel: 15276692379

  Email: cywang@ms.xjb.ac.cn

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